Through Communication to Integration

International Perspective, Local Context

16 ― 17

09 / 2019

Center for Architecture and Metropolitan Planning, Prague


How to communicate with and about migrants? What is the role of the political representatives in the integration process? What about traditional and #newmedia? What are the trends in other European cities?

Danni de Torres

How to communicate with and about migrants?

What is the role of the political representatives in the integration process?

What about traditional and #newmedia?

What are the trends in other European cities?

These and other topics will be discussed by delegates coming from state and local administration, NGO sector, new and traditional media, and migrant communities.

The first day of the conference consists of lectures and panel discussions followed by evening social/networking event. The second (half) day will be dedicated to workshops.

Dani de Torres

The conference will be introduced by Dani de Torres, director of the Spanish network of intercultural cities, adviser to the Council of Europe on its intercultural cities programme and founder of the Anti-Rumour strategy. At the conference, he will introduce not only the aforementioned Anti-Rumour concept but he will also talk about innovative trends in integration strategies and communication campaigns. Additionally, he will present successful projects which – using original communication tools and strategies – helped to reinforce more inclusive atmosphere in cities and local communities.